

GDPR and its Relationship with Healthcare

  Image   What is GDPR?   The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes protections for the privacy and security of sensitive data for individuals in the European Union (EU). The data protection regulation was designed to harmonize data privacy laws throughout the EU and replaced the long-standing Data Protection...

The Top 10 Healthcare Data Breaches of 2020

  Image 2020 Was the Worst – in Healthcare Data Breaches Data breaches can have catastrophic consequences on those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from one. From steep costs and/or fines (in the millions) to a ruined reputation, data breaches are not to be taken lightly. This is especially true for the healthcare industry,...

How to Use MFT as a Workflow Automation Tool in Healthcare

  Image When it comes to managed file transfer (MFT) solutions, organizations across industries find them valuable for policy enforcement, user access control and authorization, risk reduction, and more. And when it comes to HIPAA and HITECH requirements, MFT shines as a secure workflow automation tool. MFT as a B2B Enabler What...

Compliance for Healthcare: Secure File Transfer Holds the Key

  Image Complying with your doctor’s recommendations is the primary key to feeling good and staying healthy. Complying with the healthcare industry’s security standards and personal data protection requirements holds the key to avoiding an audit failure, paying steep fines, or trying to heal from the impact of a data breach. Sure,...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps Education Receive an A+ in Secure File Transfer

  Image GoAnywhere MFT is the Best in Class The education industry is entrusted with confidential and high-risk student, faculty, and third-party data all year round. From enrollment material to personal information like social security numbers and employment records, educational institutions must be vigilant in protecting data. No...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps the Healthcare Industry Thrive

  Image GoAnywhere MFT is Just What the Doctor Ordered The healthcare industry is a complex system full of regulations to comply with and highly sensitive data to move from one location to the next. From dramatic cost cutting, to eliminating manual processes, to strengthening data encryption and more, GoAnywhere Managed File...

7 Unique Ways to Use MFT for Manufacturing

  Image While the manufacturing industry is often thought of as primarily centered around physical processes and tangible output, it also requires that electronic data files be exchanged between your trading partners, departments and government entities. These transfers, along with other key business processes, don’t have to entail...

IT Pros in Healthcare: How to Choose a Secure File Transfer Solution

  Image Every healthcare provider wants to avoid being the next data breach headline—and unfortunately, we have seen many incidents and their consequences in 2018 so far. The causes of these data breaches range from wrongly configured databases to successful malware attacks and unauthorized user access. For those looking to avoid...