

Protecting Vital Government Information with MFT

Image When it comes to information security, few industries top the government – at all levels – when it comes to requirements and compliance designed to protect the sensitive data it collects, manages, and exchanges. And while it may seem like just more red tape, these standards and requirements are for the benefit of the people as...

How MFT Helps Move Large Files

Image What is Needed to Move Large Files? Big files need big solutions, or rather solutions capable of reliably and securely moving files in and out of an organization. Instead of relying on free or open-sourced solutions that “might” move a big file, consider your organization’s needs around file sizes, security, encryption,...

Collaboration Tools Like vs. MFT: What Do You Really Need?

Image Collaboration tools like and managed file transfer (MFT) tools like GoAnywhere MFT, are not the same. Both, however, have unique advantages, depending on your organization’s requirements around data. Box is a cloud-based tool for organizational teams to collaborate, manage, and store content. GoAnywhere MFT is a secure...

Cybersecurity Threats Continue to Evolve; Apply Best Practices to Address

Image Cybersecurity is an arena that is ever-changing – from the actual threats posed, to the astoundingly creative ways to nab sensitive data, to the solutions and best practices organizations need to adopt to meet the changing challenges head on. Each week, if not day, a new article, tweet, or blog post comes out that warns of a...

Why is it Smart to Bundle Cybersecurity Solutions?

Image When it comes to cybersecurity, joining the individual strengths of separate solutions to defend against cybersecurity threats is just smart business. What are Some Recommended File Security Pairings? There’s no question that cybersecurity worries are at the top of the list for many organizations and their IT teams. As this...

5 Ways that MFT Helps the Finance Industry

Image Managed file transfer (MFT) empowers organizations to reliably and securely exchange electronic data between systems and comply with various regulatory requirements. With MFT solutions, you can confidently facilitate internal and external enterprise data transfers, including sensitive, compliance-protected, or high-volume data. ...

Do More with Less: How to Improve Efficiency with MFT

Image With the employment environment changing nearly every week, the ability of teams to do more with less – whether that’s a smaller budget or head count – is more important than ever. Incorporating smart technology solutions, such as managed file transfer (MFT) is a proactive, efficient move to help your organization better secure...

Agents offer Remote, Automated File Transfer Solutions

Image Call my agent! What might be a long shot in Hollywood is a sure thing when it comes to managed file transfers (MFT). MFT agents are lightweight applications that do a lot of heavy lifting to automate your file transfers and workflows – remote and on-premises – throughout your enterprise, saving you time and money.  If your...

How MFT Helps Collaboration in Hybrid Environments

  Image Whether your organization’s employees are back in the office at their desks full time, or more commonly pop into your brick-and-mortar location two to three times a week in hybrid fashion, it’s important to consider how they can securely collaborate. The changing work landscape, with workers spread throughout the world, and...

What is DORA and How Can Organizations Comply?

Image Staying abreast of compliance requirements, even if they are not directly specified for your country, is still important, as your organization could be impacted, should you have offices in the affected country or provide services to an organization in countries where the regulations apply. What is the DORA Regulation? DORA, or...

Exchanging Large Files: What You Need to Know

Image Sending large files to trading partners, vendors, or even within your own organization can pose security risks, delivery failures, and other problems. Exchanging those files with a user-friendly managed file transfer solution can help mitigate these issues, no matter the file size.  What’s the Problem with Sending Large Files? ...

Security and Automation Solutions for Proactive Cybersecurity

Image Fortra’s GoAnywhere MFT is an integral part of the company’s cybersecurity offerings. Rather than operating as a singular, standalone managed file transfer (MFT) solution, GoAnywhere delivers secure file exchanges under the larger umbrella of Fortra. Formerly known as HelpSystems, the rebranded Fortra presents a simpler,...

Secure File Transfer vs Free File Transfer: What’s the Difference?

Image In today's fast-paced world, data is currency, and no one wants to wait for their money. Business runs on it, stock markets close on it, and everything needs to happen immediately, if not sooner. So why not file transfers? While that is true, there are several points to consider when just going for the fastest option. Yes,...

Fast Fashion, Fast Cars Subject to Cybersecurity Threats: This Month in Cybersecurity

Image October – the month when folks embrace tricks and treats – unfortunately did not disappoint when it comes to cybersecurity scares for organizations from fast fashion to fast cars. While no industry or entity is immune, a secure file transfer solution, such as GoAnywhere MFT, is one user-friendly, critical layer of cybersecurity...

Education Industry: How MFT Can Help Stretch Resources

Image Educational institutions, from preschools to university systems, face increasing pressure on budgets as well as personnel lately. When every minute and every dollar counts, bolstering existing resources where possible can offer a bit of relief. One way to stretch those human resources is by automating some of the tasks that are...

Reducing Human Error with Automated Workflow Features

Image 82% of all illicit data disclosure is caused by human error, according to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report. A way to cut that figure is to reduce employee touchpoints and to do that, organizations are turning towards automated workflows like the ones found in GoAnywhere MFT, a managed file transfer solution (MFT)...