

7 Benefits of Using MFT for Encrypted File Transfers

  Image   7 Benefits of Using MFT for Encrypted File Transfers   At minimum, a managed file transfer (MFT) solution is a product that encompasses all aspects of inbound and outbound file transfers while using industry-standard network protocols and seamless encryption. It can automate and transfer data across your network, systems...

5 Benefits of PGP Decryption Using Managed File Transfer

  Image If your trading partners or vendors require you to PGP encrypt or decrypt the files you exchange, you may be on the search for an affordable, trust-worthy PGP software to implement in your organization. The software you’re looking for may also need to support more than basic PGP decrypt and encrypt functionality. You may want...

Everything You Need to Know about FTP Automation Software

  Image So, you want to automate your FTP file transfers. Whether you send a dozen file transfers a week, hundreds a day, or even more, automation is a smart step for most businesses. The benefits are simple: automatic file transfers cut down on user errors, reduce or eliminate the need for scripts, free up manual time spent on...

How to Prevent Data Breaches with MFT | Checklist and Plan

  Image You know what a data breach looks like in the movies... A character’s computer is suddenly overtaken by lines of green code. Windows and browsers pop up at lightning speed, as if the PC is possessed and has its finger on the fast-forward button. The main characters give each other horrified looks. "We’re being hacked!" a...

Which is Better: AS2 vs. SFTP?

Over the last several months, we’ve compared many different file transfer protocols, including SFTP vs. FTPS and SFTP vs. MFT, and MFT vs. Dropbox for secure file sharing. Today, we’re going to look at AS2 vs. SFTP. How do these popular file transfer protocols work? How do they differ? And most importantly, which one is better for your organization’s file exchange...

Why You Should Never Use FTP to Transfer Cloud Files

  Image The cloud has become an increasingly popular topic among organizations in recent years. From sharing projects via cloud collaboration tools to exchanging files between a company and its trading partners using cloud storage buckets, cloud computing platforms like Microsoft Azure and AWS offer users a lot of flexibility over...

Which is Better: Free SFTP Software vs. Enterprise-Level SFTP Software?

Free SFTP Software vs. Enterprise-Level SFTP Solutions In general, people like free things. Beverages, company lunches, swag at tradeshows and conferences, t-shirts and socks, those intriguing items in the “For Free” box at your local yard sale… You can’t go wrong with free, right? Well, coffee you don’t have to pay for is great, but the adage “There’s no such thing as a free...

What is Secure File Transfer?

  Image Moving sensitive, often-proprietary files from one person—or organization—to another has become a complex aspect of the business world today. This complexity comes not only from the size and number of files that need to be shared, but also from the need to protect them at all points during their journey from sender to...

Why You Should Incorporate Managed File Transfer into Your Cybersecurity Strategy

  Image Managed File Transfer: A New Cybersecurity Strategy for Sensitive Files Earlier this month, independent news platform Patch reported that Neiman Marcus, a department store chain in the US, has finally agreed to a settlement for their 2014 data breach. They’ll need to "pay $1.5 million and adopt measures to prevent hacks,"...

Data Breach and Incident Response Plans | 2019 Templates & Best Practices

  Image Every year, organizations hope that statistics for data breaches will improve, that things will be better than the year before. And every year, they are dismayed to discover that even though they’re pulling in new cybersecurity tactics to thwart cyber attacks, so are hackers pulling in new methods to discover their...

What is FTPS?

  Image Whether you’re looking to upgrade from your current FTP file transfers or have new requirements from a trading partner or customer, you might be wondering what FTPS is. You may ask: how does FTPS work, and does it differ from secure file transfer protocols like SFTP and AS2? Good questions. Let’s start by defining what FTPS...

Which is Better: SFTP vs. MFT?

  Image SFTP, or MFT: that is the question. Even though we’re not all famous poets like William Shakespeare, many IT professionals will ask this question at some point or another. Should they use an SFTP or managed file transfer (MFT) solution to transfer sensitive files securely—and why? It brings up an interesting choice. By...

The Best Cybersecurity Strategies for Banks and Financial Organizations

  Image Banks and financial institutions, take note: though the year is almost over, no one is safe from a data breach. Industries across the board have seen 4.5 million records stolen so far in 2018—a staggering 133% increase over those compromised in 2017. As you create updated cybersecurity plans and data breach prevention...

Why You Should Cluster Your File Transfer Systems

  Image What’s the true cost of downtime for your organization? You may think of it in terms of lost revenue—according to studies released in the last couple years, the average cost of system-wide downtime is $100,000 an hour, and that’s on the low end (it can get up to $300,000 or more). But there are other factors involved in the...

SFTP: The Smart Way to Transfer Your Cloud Data

  Image With the growing buzz about everything "cloud computing," most organizations are either starting to consider the cloud or have already moved some of their business processes to a cloud platform. No matter where you stand, technology is no stranger to the cloud. Consumers use cloud applications, services, and storage daily,...

Is Your Data REALLY Safe on the IBM i (AS/400)?

  Image “AS/400 is built to be safe and reliable.” “No one makes viruses for the IBM i. There are no known cases of malware, either.” “IBM has amazing IBM i server security, so we don’t have to worry about vulnerabilities.” Do these statements sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve come across these claims in the industry, heard someone...

Managed File Transfer: It's More than SFTP

  Image For many, MFT and SFTP are a package deal. You can’t seem to have a managed file transfer solution without relying on an SFTP server to secure your file transfers. But this leaves a lot of people wondering—is managed file transfer only useful for SFTP file transfer automation? The reality is, MFT is far more than just an...

5 Ways to Protect Your Financial Organization from a Data Breach

  Image While several industries, including business and education, make up a big portion of yearly data breach counts, banks and credit unions aren’t left risk free. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the banking/credit/financial sector totals 5.8% of 2017’s data breaches as of June 30, 2017. That’s up two...

Data Breach and Incident Response Plans | 2017 Templates & Resources

Image As we continue to put our data online, through social media channels, cloud storage, and email attachments, we open ourselves up to the possibility of data breaches and other attacks. The answer to this problem isn’t to stop using the internet, of course. But organizations today need to pay serious attention to their...

EFSS vs. MFT: What's the Difference?

  Image EFSS (Enterprise File Sync and Share) and MFT (Managed File Transfer) are two terms that are frequently thrown around in the IT industry. Each solution is used to transfer files to multiple locations and devices, and they can both be deployed on-premises or in a cloud environment. These similarities inspire frequent...