

Load Balancing Keeps Files Moving, Processes Running

Image Dreaded network bottlenecks and the ensuing risk of downtime are anxiety-producing situations for many IT teams. Afterall, uptime is how business gets done and when that fails, the domino effect can have serious repercussions. Load balancing, however, can act as a preventative, to keep network traffic flowing. What is Load...

Considerations for Cloud File Transfers

Image Whether your organization is debating on moving your file transfer process entirely to the cloud, adopting a hybrid environment, or using a hosted SaaS solution, review the considerations below to help better clarify and get the organizational support needed for a cloud-based file transfer solution.  There are no absolute right...

Why is it Smart to Bundle Cybersecurity Solutions?

Image When it comes to cybersecurity, joining the individual strengths of separate solutions to defend against cybersecurity threats is just smart business. What are Some Recommended File Security Pairings? There’s no question that cybersecurity worries are at the top of the list for many organizations and their IT teams. As this...

Exchanging Large Files: What You Need to Know

Image Sending large files to trading partners, vendors, or even within your own organization can pose security risks, delivery failures, and other problems. Exchanging those files with a user-friendly managed file transfer solution can help mitigate these issues, no matter the file size.  What’s the Problem with Sending Large Files? ...

Security and Automation Solutions for Proactive Cybersecurity

Image Fortra’s GoAnywhere MFT is an integral part of the company’s cybersecurity offerings. Rather than operating as a singular, standalone managed file transfer (MFT) solution, GoAnywhere delivers secure file exchanges under the larger umbrella of Fortra. Formerly known as HelpSystems, the rebranded Fortra presents a simpler,...

How to Secure Your Data Exchanges

  Image Exchanging Data Securely Requires Stepped Up Data Transfer Methods Exchanging data is easy, right? Just grab a file, attach it, and hit “send.” Then sit back and relax. Not so fast! If you want to securely exchange data and protect any sensitive data your files may contain, you need to send them with a secure file transfer...

13 Essential MFT Blog Posts You Might Have Missed

  Image There’s a lot out there (and just on this website) about what MFT (managed file transfer) software is, why it’s a good FTP alternative, and how to choose the best file transfer software for your business. That’s why we’ve selected 13 of our top blogs that answer those exactly those questions – and more. And because questions...

MFT’s Role in Data-Centric Security

  Image What is Data-Centric Security and is MFT a Part of It? When an organization’s security focus encompasses the varied technology, approaches, and policies that zero in on protecting the actual data organizations are entrusted with, versus merely the infrastructure, that strategy is considered data centric. And yes, managed...

Is MFT the Next Big Integrating Technology?

  Image Is MFT Integration Software? MFT, which stands for managed file transfer, is not, strictly speaking, integration software. Managed file transfer at the most basic level is a transfer tool designed to get your data from A to B securely. Despite that, many MFT solutions take over the functions of everyday file transfer tools...

What Does Integration Buy You?

  Image   What Can Data Integration Buy You?   Data integration is the practice of consolidating data from a number of sources into a single, unified, and consistent source. This way of configuring data does an excellent job of meeting the needs of business processes and is a key component of any thriving data security structure....

How MFT Fits into Your Data Security Suite

  Image By now, you’ve probably figured out that no singular data security product can be fully responsible for all critical data security measures. Instead, consider each element of your data security environment as a key ingredient in a well-rounded recipe for protecting the digital information so critical to your organization’s...

Consolidate Your File Transfers with GoAnywhere MFT

  Image Consolidation is the Stepping Stone to Successful File Transfers When you’re utilizing a managed file transfer (MFT) solution, consolidation is an impactful mechanism that helps you to make the most out of your file transfers. With GoAnywhere MFT, you can successfully bring together multiple different technologies and...

10 Tips to Protect Your Company’s Data in 2021

Image The amount, complexity, and relevance of the data that companies handle has increased exponentially. Today the data stored by organizations can contain information from buying and selling transactions, market analysis, ideas for future technological innovations, customer or employee information (salaries, health information) and...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps Energy Companies

  Image The Energy Industry is Moving at Light Speed Today’s energy and utility companies face a number of evergreen issues, from adhering to mandatory regulations and cybersecurity standards, to being at a higher risk of data breaches, the industry is constantly weathering a turbulent and rapidly accelerating environment. To...

The ABC's of MFT

  Image   Tech Terminology Can be Tough   We know that tech terms can be tricky, but the good news is that technology makes it easy to learn and read about them if you’re willing to do the research. The GoAnywhere Glossary, our top-level managed file transfer (MFT) glossary, is a great resource for learning and reading about MFT...

3 Powerful Examples of MFT and DLP Paired in Action

    Image   On paper, combining two robust software products to form a more complete solution is a no-brainer. But how does it actually work in “real life?” First, let’s take a look at what the two solutions – adaptive data loss protection (A-DLP) and managed file transfer (MFT) – each offer to users. Then, we’ll highlight a few...

Why You Should Integrate Your DLP with MFT

  Image Why Integrating DLP with MFT Enhances Data Security Like Calvin and Hobbes, Sherlock and Watson, or even Ben and Jerry, a good partnership combines the best of both worlds – and creates a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Joining complimentary software solutions can do the same, opening up a new world of data...